Clients gather metrics remotely as the first part of the management cycle: sense, analyze, decide, and control. Telemetry are metrics that are obtained from a remote system. The Redfish standard is composed of an interface protocol and a data model. The data model contains resources that express manageability capabilities and services. The Redfish telemetry model defines resources that a Redfish client can use to understand and obtain telemetry from a Redfish service. This enables one to

Metric definitions, defined by the MetricDefinition schema, contain the definition, metadata, or characteristics for a metric. A metric definition contains links to the metric properties to which the definition applies.

Metric report definitions, defined by the MetricReportDefinition schema, specify the metric reports that are generated. The MetricReportDefinition resource specifies the contents and periodicity of the metric report. It also contains links to the metric properties to which the definition applies.

The Redfish service can support the ability to specify a set of triggers or thresholds for a list of metric properties. The Triggers resource specifies the trigger thresholds that apply to the listed metrics. A trigger can result in one or more actions, such as an alert being transmitted using the event service or an event logged in the log service.

The telemetry service for ODIM should implement the following APIs:

Additionally ODIM will have to implement event forwarding in case of triggers that need forwarding reports as events. The details are covered in DSP2051_1.0.0.pdf.

Open issues that need discussion:

The current API are in /redfish/v1/TelemetryService... so that this is suited for individual BMCs to implement. If ODIMRA being a manager implements this then it has to act on behalf of all the managed BMCs.  The implication will include

One way we can solve this is to make these services a part of the actions under Aggregation Service. The current plugins may not be best fit for collecting this information. ODIM may implement data collector plugins (as suggested by Alex) which will focus only on managing and collecting metrics/reports from BMC.

Future items

Add AI for analyzing and actioning the telemetry gathered. This may happen in the device, in the plugin, in ODIMRA or north bound clients. Doing this closer to the device helps in quicker actions and this also has the advantage of having better domain awareness. Whereas north bound systems may be used to do long term planning.