

Release Management process! 

Please come prepared to discuss this. We need to close on this to be able to release on January 31st.

OLD!Draft proposal by HPE - A

Release Process Vote (via chat):

00:30:45 Jonas Arndt: Voting for release process
We will follow the HPE proposed draft for the release on Jan 31st and revise it after that release.
The version will be YY.MM.<Maint number potentially>
00:30:49 Jonas Arndt: HPE +1
00:30:55 Marcin Nicpon(TietoEVRY): TietoEVRY +1
00:30:56 Muthukkumaran Ramalingam (AMI): AMI + 1
00:31:01 Alex Vul (Intel)\: Intel +1
00:35:56 Piotr Zedlewski (Intel): sorry, had a forced reboot...
00:36:42 Jonas Arndt: That's what you get from running Windows:-)

Umbrella Organization

LFN Umbrella Vote (via chat):

00:47:02 Jonas Arndt: Voting for ODIM to move to LFN as an umbrella organization:
00:47:10 Jonas Arndt: HPE +1
00:47:23 Muthukkumaran Ramalingam (AMI): AMI + 1
00:47:31 Marcin Nicpon(TietoEVRY): TietoEVRY +1
00:47:34 Alex Vul (Intel)\: Intel +1`

Meeting Recording

Chat File